A132. Collective Housing
Águeda, Portugal
This proposal foresees the construction of a collective housing building, for a lot in Águeda. The building is developed in 8 floors, 2 of them below ground for parking. On the ground floor are located the accesses to the apartments and two stores. In the residential floors, we tried to distribute the program taking into account the solar orientation east/south/west: bedrooms to the east and social spaces to the south and west. Regarding the materiality of the facades, we tried to explore the dichotomy of openings between the east and west elevations, which are more closed to the surroundings, and the main elevation, south, which opens to the outside in large spans. All the exterior cladding will be in exposed concrete. This solution offers the city several residential and commercial spaces, enhancing the development of this area. In constructive terms it will seek to be sustainable, reducing the cost of using the building as much as possible, for its users and for the city.
Project Team Marta Couto Rocha, Filipa Roque, Daniel Laranjinha, Emma Wang, Marta Paquete Structural Consultants A400 – Projetistas e Consultores de Engenharia Electrical Consultants A400 – Projetistas e Consultores de Engenharia Mechanical Consultants A400 – Projetistas e Consultores de Engenharia Hydraulic Consultants A400 – Projetistas e Consultores de Engenharia Construction Area 2.750 m2 Site Area 1.053 m2 Client Alpha Investimentos S.A.