A125. Cohen Chapel


The landscape of the Swiss Alps was the ingredient for the development of this project. "I would like to make a chapel here." And I never stopped designing the building, even though I had no client and knew it might be nothing more than an exercise. To tell you the truth, I could only stop when the project was finished. Just like when you start reading a book and can't stop reading until it is finished. Now that the building is designed, we are establishing contacts so that it can be built. The chapel is a space that shows the dichotomy between the human and the divine, however, it is also a space that any agnostic can look for to have a moment of introspection, or to simply think away from the hustle and bustle of life. The building has two moments, a more closed central body with a shape that evokes the entry of light, with what all this might mean, and an annex space to support the pastor in charge of the chapel, completely open to the landscape. A Chapel that integrates the landscape, becoming part of it. The search for 'light' is the concept behind the shape of the volume. The interior space of the chapel was created to be closed to the landscape, becoming a space of introspection. In contrast, the sacristy opens up to the landscape. "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light comes in." Cohen

Awards Internacional Design Award Gold Winner 2020, Master Prize Architecture 2019 Honorable Mention, A´Design Award Gold 2019, German Design Award Special 2018, iF Design Award 2018 Project Team Filipa Roque 3D Metro Cúbico Digital Construction Area 94 m2